Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meet Sauflon and Eye Care: My Dependable Travel Buddies

Being a travel freak that I am, I don't just struggle to get my "house" and "hospital" fit together in my humble backpack. I also need to carry with me an "eye clinic"! Suffice to say, being a member of the four-eyed club has this thing to consider when hitting the road. 

It has been a year since I bought a set of disposable contact lenses from Ideal Vision, but I have longed finished using the AO Sept Plus contact solution. I actually wasn't able to use everything as I really find it too complicated and even scary to use since it's very much different in terms of use compared to regular solutions. Why?


Because once I was in a hurry, I accidentally used the said un-neutralised solution to clean my contact lenses before inserting them on my eyes  - a very clumsy and careless move when all the while I thought I was using the normal solution that I also have. I saw how my eyes burned and turned fiery red - I panicked!  After rinsing and resting my eyes, good thing it went back to normal after a few hours. The AO Sept solution needs extra care and caution when using and I do not personally recommend it during the course of travelling (you need to soak you contacts here for a strict 6 hours!). 

Good thing I discovered the 100ml All in One Light Solution from Sauflon - it's cheap, it's lightweight and so much easy to use. I've been using this during my past trips along with the Eye Care Lens Lubricant and have never regret buying this. Again, EO Optical sells these amazing travel buddies.
Eye Care Lens Lubricant and All in One Light Solution from Sauflon

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